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3 more key you can bind to using r1q2.exe Quake II Client

Posted: Wed May 24, 2006 4:59 pm
by X7[Q2C]
3 more key you can bind to using r1q2.exe Quake II Client

//* R1Q2 - R1CHs Enhanced Quake II Client *
// b5520
// Win32 client, win_disablewinkey cvar. If set to 1,
// will hook the keyboard and prevent the Windows key from interrupting gameplay
// and allows you to bind either key as LWINKEY and RWINKEY respectively.
// Requires Windows 2000 or higher for API support.
set win_disablewinkey "1"

// Left Windows Key
bind LWINKEY "angeloe"

// Right Windows Key
bind RWINKEY "playerlist"

// Win32 client, the 'context menu key'
//(the one next to the right windows key) is now bindable as APP.
bind APP "checkstats"

